The Proselyte's Our Vessel's In Need is a mélange of sounds with which we're all familiar, yet this five-song EP manages to make the sum of its parts come across as both fresh and genuine.
Upon hearing this Boston trio's new release for the first time, I wasn't really sure what to think. After a few more spins, however, I started to realize just how much of a grower this record is.
Our Vessel's In Need starts with "End Regions," a post-grungy Alice In Chains-meets-Mastodon affair that's solid and rather radio-friendly but not the band's best work. Fortunately, The Proselyte's at their best for the rest of the EP.
If, like me, you were disappointed with Kylesa's last record, "Log Computer" is right up your alley. It's a definite highlight with its catchy chorus and Fugazi undertones. "Existential Risk" exudes even more sludge, this time recalling Blue/Red-period Baroness. Elements of Queens of the Stone Age are immediate on the dueling-vocal approach of "Irish Goodbye," whereas "A Stubborn Hem" slows things down with shades of 40 Watt Sun until the doom gives way to sludge and post-grunge.
Our Vessel's In Need may not be breaking new ground in metal, but it's done very well. Let's hope a full-length isn't too far down the road.
Metallurgical Rating: 4.0/5.0
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